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디자인을 넘어선 그 무언가를 위해,

시간의 구속을 받지 않는 곳, 상일의유산

일찍 끄는 전등불, 출산강국 우리나라
'Early turning off the light, childbirth powerhouse is our country.'

In my military service, there had been competition for the slogan about saving energy.
I designed this slogan below,
"일찍 끄는 전등불, 출산강국 우리나라" 
= "Early turning off the light, childbirth powerhouse is our country."

I used humor that was mixed saving energy and childbirth rate issue.
Texturing this slogan on the pulling bar, I could design a 90`s-style pulling light switch in Korea.

This light switch reminds users of a slogan for saving energy with humor.

Early turning off the light, childbirth powerhouse is our country

I define this 'Easy Design'
Easy design means designing easily.

Design is something that is not huge, artificial, serious, complex, difficult, but the transferring what you think.

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