디자인을 넘어선 그 무언가를 위해,
시간의 구속을 받지 않는 곳, 상일의유산
2008 접시와젓가락 2014
From 2008 I had sketched this and finally designed in 2014.
Just put the chopsticks which are a part of the dish on the plate which only has space for chopsticks.
A product designed with a simple idea that flashed in the head. (Plate + chopsticks)
One day in 2008, thinking of the chopsticks placed on a plate I was just drawing a circle and a line.
Suddenly I realized. 'Oh, it is done. design is not necessarily artificial, gorgeous, or exaggerating, but the design is as it is.'
Eventually, I had taken out the simple sketch of 2008 and finished the design in 2014.
And at that time, I was inspired by a wall-mounted cd player, a work by MUJI's designer Fukasawa Naoto.
I define this is 'easy design' as the new design concept.
'Easy design'
Easy design means designing easily. Design is something that is not huge, artificial, serious, complex, difficult, but the transferring what you think. It is my opinion that it could look unique and special enough by itself.
I define this 'Easy Design'
Easy design means designing easily. Design is something that is not huge, artificial, serious, complex, difficult, but the transferring what you think.