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디자인을 넘어선 그 무언가를 위해,

시간의 구속을 받지 않는 곳, 상일의유산

We often forget important things when we go out.
So I created a platform that does not forget my belongings, reflecting the habit of taking off and taking off my hat.
You can arrange your belongings on a platform where you can hang a hat (or cap designed like a hat) 
and prepare your belongings by wearing a hat and taking it off when you come in and out.same time, you bring in your important belongings.
In 2015, I was inspired by the exhibition of Alessandro Mendini at Seoul DDP(Dongdaemun Design Plaza).


I define this 'Easy Design'
Easy design means designing easily. Design is something that is not huge, artificial, serious, complex, difficult, but the transferring what you think.

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