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디자인을 넘어선 그 무언가를 위해,

시간의 구속을 받지 않는 곳, 상일의유산


Above the object, Timeless object.

SANG IL`s Design concepts are built up ideas to ideas and these are within history. SANG IL`s product design is constructed shape, function, and humor. SANG IL will show it the visualization via timeline

This projcet is 'BUILD UP'. The word that expresses the design of HERITAGE OF SANG IL is 'BUILD UP'. HERITAGE OF SANG IL, is the classic design project, continuously has been being destroyed and rebuilt. The goal of 'BUILD-UP'(2007-2018) project is to visualize 'accumulations' and 'establishment' of HERITAGE OF SANG IL over time from 2007 to 2018. This visualizes the build-up of HERITAGE OF SANG IL's all projects and can show the process in an interesting way. Also, SANG IL releasing a thick book containing all projects of HERTIAGE OF SANG IL, the book powerfully and physically give you the strength and touch from the book`s thickness. You can understand 'BUILD UP' of SANG IL well through Marble Comics, the Periodic Table of the Elements and book 'S, M, L, and LX' (OMA).

BUILD UP 2007-2018

I define this 'Easy Design'
Easy design means designing easily.

Design is something that is not huge, artificial, serious, complex, difficult, but the transferring what you think.

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