Shout out and Design your swagger!
From the origin of human history, Behavior giving and taking by hand to hand began.
Extending the hand to others involves 'from me(you)', 'of me(you)' and 'to you(me)'.
And giving and taking by hand is transformed into 'communication'.
Shaking hands and give and take are kinds of communicating.
It made society. we could recognize who are they via what who has.
I focus on the one of communication extending the hand and showing who has what.
This is the research focusing on people's and our own swagger.
May I design your swagger? As you are my client, based on what you describe.
Please describe and draw your own swagger, and also draw the graph and diagram that tell you, even whatever you want to tell.
Also, Tell me your information which you absolutely want to express on your swagger card.
Your swagger also symbolizes your story, history. I wish it would become your brand.
On this project, I wish I would help you realize your veiled swaggers and design your swagger by yourself.
In addition, if you are motivated by this design and print it, you could make your own goods T-shirts, cup, bag, sticker, shoes, etc.
'WE ALL OWNER 2020' is the together result of interviewing participants and conducting collaborations with partners.(Amel Studio, &SOCIETY, Arch Lover, YouTuber 'B-NU mam', etc.)
I define this 'Easy Design'
Easy design means designing easily.
Design is something that is not huge, artificial, serious, complex, difficult, but the transferring what you think.